(04-12-2013, 10:17 PM)CorinthianMerchant Wrote: We had a school dance party-thing. I got three dances, and I was asked by the girls in two of the cases! I also met two friends I had not seen in years. Woohoo!!!
Yeah, my school has decided that all students are supposed to learn jive, waltz and foxtrot in p.e. class (I know it sounds kinda odd, but whatever). So as an ending to the dance-period everyone in my grade gathered in the gym-hall and yadda, yadda, the rest is quite unimportant. Well, during one moment the danceteacher told the guys that they were supposed to ask a girl up for a dance and my initial thought was "Ohgodthisisawkwardimgonnastandthereallaloneagainhuh?". I'm also thinking "Should I go for it? Should I ask her?". We didn't have a lot of time, so I discretely make my way over to where she is. Most girls around her gets "taken" so I awkwardly and quickly go over and ask her if she wants to dance. So, yeah...That's what happened.