(04-20-2013, 12:17 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Quote: easiest way (What I always do) just combine and separate. You could alsoset the pivots to 0,0,0 but I find combine > separate is easier/quicker
Jup, it's quick and easy but take care, those two functions cause a helluva mess in the outliner, cluttering your scene hierarchy with groups and transform nodes and whatnot. Make sure to delete your objects history and clean up the outliner afterwards for a clean and bug-free scene! 
Another quick way to move the pivot around is to just hit the "insert" key while in the move tool to switch to pivot-mode. You can then snap the pivot to the center of the grid by holding X for grid snap.
Yep I've seen it duplicated each and every single cube I had, colored it white (textureless) and I had to delete the clones.
I should just center the pivots next time, I just had no idea how to.
Thanks for the info, now I can do it next time
(04-20-2013, 06:38 AM)Statyk Wrote: Before exporting or skinning a model to a rig, I select them and do
- Modify > Freeze Transformations
- Modify > Reset Transformations
- Edit > Delete by type > History
Then export. It sets the translation and rotation of the model to 0, 0, 0, and scale to 1, 1, 1, while putting all mesh manipulators/pivots to the center of the grid. Nice, clean mesh ready for export =]
Hey thanks, I am new to Maya and I have no idea which tools to use and when, so it's cool to get around some more tools.
I didn't know what to do to center everything at one piece but that one works like a charm.