(04-21-2013, 03:20 PM)JustAnotherPlayer Wrote: The script that I gave you said that "hammer_chipper" was the item. Yet in the Inventory.hps, it clearly states that it's "stone_hammer_chipper". You have the incorrect name for the item.
Ah I see, schoolboy error on my part. Im very new to scripting, I used a tutorial to make that script and presumed 'hammer_chipper' was the final product.
Anyway now it works, and im sorry to be a pain but it doesnt play an animation, it simply breaks a hole in the door and unlocks it. Then once I had walked through the door my game started lagging immensely which led to me ctrl alt del to exit it. I noticed the hammer and chipper was still in my inventory too.
Im probably wrong but looking at the script again I would have thought all the stuff under 'DoorUnlockAnim' should go AFTER everything else? Because from what I can tell atm the game is breaking the door first with all the animation stuff afterwards.
But im only a n00b at scripting so am probably wrong?