For the commentary, use
AddEffectVoice(string& asVoiceFile, string& asEffectFile, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry,
bool abUsePosition, string& asPosEntity, float afMinDistance, float afMaxDistance);
asVoiceFile - the voice to play
asEffectFile - the effect to play
asTextCat - the category in the .lang file
asTextEntry - the text entry in the .lang file
abUsePosition - plays using 3D from the entity, or without 3D
asPosEntity - the entity at which the effect appears
afMinDistance - minimum distance to see the effect
afMaxDistance - maximum distance to see the effect
For the fade out and player walk,
void OnStart()
void PlrWalkFadeOut()
AddTimer("", 3.0f, "PlrWalk");
void PlrWalk(string &in asTimer)
MovePlayerForward(0.7f); //Change 0.7f to how fast/long you want the player to walk
AddTimer("", 0.6f, "PlrWalkLoop");
void PlrWalkLoop(string &in asTimer)
AddTimer("", 0.3f, "PlrWalk");
AddTimer("", 3.0f, "FadeOut"); //Change 3.0f to how long you want the player to walk.
void FadeOut(string &in asTimer)
TeleportPlayer("PlayerStartArea_2"); //PlayerStartArea_2 is where the Player will be transported to. It must be a PlayerStart.
AddTimer("", 3.0f, "FadeOutAgain"); //Change 3.0f to how long you want the Player to walk the second time.
void FadeOutAgain(string &in asTimer)
//Add the AddVoiceEffect thing on the first one.
You cannot import then export it without making any changes in Audacity. You have to use a music extension converter.
And most perimeters require an .snt file for each .ogg.