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Tokenism, Character Development and Writing
Adrianis Offline
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RE: Tokenism, Character Development and Writing

I read it, and equally wished to put an end to this in a quick way.

I'll just say that my hostility was based on the fact that what you presented was not just your position on the whole PC thing, but you actually insinuated that the people who advocate it are condescending, faking concern, and promoting segregation and inequality. You assumed the intent of the people behind it without understanding it, which I find personally insulting. Had you talked about it being a way to avoid the problem and focused on language and not ideas, I would have only argued against those points, and would not have been so hostile.

05-09-2013, 04:58 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Tokenism, Character Development and Writing - by Adrianis - 05-09-2013, 04:58 PM

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