(05-09-2013, 05:24 PM)Tomato Cat Wrote: Just forget about FG's script and focus on building your own. Believe me, it's easier because you'll know precisely what's going.
I actually forgot about the coal lever. Instead of the elevator lever, the coal lever should check if the "Coal" variable is equal to 3.
Modify it like so:
void PullCoalLever(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if(alState == 1) //Executed if the lever is pulled
if(GetLocalVarInt("Coal") == 3)) //Checks to see if all coal is inside
AddLocalVarInt("LeverOn", 1); //This is what we'll check when we pull the elevator starting lever
Ok, now the elevator lever will check if LeverOn is equal to 1.
void ElevatorStartFunction(parameters)
if(alState == 1) //Executed if the lever is pulled
//If it is pulled, checks if repairs are complete
if(GetLocalVarInt("LeverOn") == 1 && GetLocalVarInt("Cogs") == 3)
//This block is executed if everything is complete
//Run your machine startup routine here
//This block executes if something isn't finished
That should fix it, given you've declared your callbacks/variables. Unless this isn't the issue you're having. ~.o
Yes you're right, I wanted to stick with it because apart from that one little detail it works as intended.
I will strip it out and build my own, hopefully I will get it working ok