(05-16-2013, 12:02 AM)Grumpyrog Wrote: Alright I must've gotten it wrong. What is a full conversion?
I mean this mod is using custom entities/monsters/lantern/launcher/menu/save system etc
So I did some research and I found your thread YC and from what I've seen and played it should be classified as a full conversion or atleast a Partial conversion.
The difference between a full conversion and a regular custom story is that a full conversion allows you to make modifications wherever the game allows. I don't consider custom environment objects or monsters as modifications (since you're not really modifying anything). Since a custom lantern and main-menu background requires configuration modifications you could consider them modifications, but out of the two only the lantern would have any real significance for the player. However, i haven't seen any screenshots or mention of a custom lantern for this full conversion (though, i don't expect there to be lots of power outages in 1968 and onward). Save system and launcher settings, only the location of the save files can be changed (but who'd make a full conversion for this?) and i doubt launcher settings were changed.
Which thread of mine? The one on how to make full conversions or the full conversion i released? (Both have a download.) The one i released has sanity drain removal from both darkness and monsters, and it also had removed sanity gain from light sources and sanity reset from having the sanity too low for too long. Some people have had trouble running that full conversion. I don't recall people having issues running regular custom stories (except perhaps for the installation part), so i recommend sticking to regular custom stories unless your story depends on full conversion modifications.