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What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Tommy Gun Offline
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RE: What is Unknown/Lux Tenebras

Mhmmm, i'm pretty sure the human enemies of fallout 3 were randomly created (except for mission enemies) e.g. raider, mercs etc.
For unknown, if the weapon pick up system was employed, than it would have to be that the impro-weapon would break very quickly.
As for sheer originality, let's face it.
Halo? Orgignal genius? Grade A Bullsh*t. Ok, so we have:

The Covenant- a technologically advanced race that believes in honour and has a religous social structure. They have energy shields, plasma weapons and huge motherships. they also have traitors who converse with the humans. they have the tech to advancely warp jump etc.

Humans- Fighting a dying war, they are relying on a group of people (Keys, Johnson). Their main weapons are gauss rifles. their hopes are on the main character of Master chief, a being of mysterious origins.

Flood- a pestilant menace that infests hosts, it is an ancient evil that has re awakened. All minions are ultimately controled by an overmind, the gravemind. It is rapid spreading and changes the environment it lives in, and is intelligent. they feed/ infect sentian beings.

Nowwwwwwwwwwwwww... lets draw comparisons with.... Starcraft.

Protoss- advanced beings that are religious about the forerunners,, the xelnaga. they have tech such as motherships, advanced warp speed, plasma weapons,. and trators who are allies with humans.

Terran- Being hit hard, they are fractured and weak. The main weapon for infantry is a gauss rifle, with the storyline centring on mengsk, Stukov, Dugaal) the race relies upon Mainly Jim raynor, a man with an unspoken past.

Zerg - A species that has been dormant for millenia, they infest buildings and humans, and use them as minions. the zerg change their environment with ' the creep' which turns the ground into a living organism. No matter what world the zerg can adapt and change it. They are controlled by a huge overmind... the overmind.
Again, the zerg either feed or infect sentian life, e.g the hydralisk etc.

See what i mean? their hasn't been an original game idea in ages, they all are bastard sons of one another. And that list was off the top of my heaD!
which was why i was kinda happy when i discovered penumbra.

Not an image
06-10-2009, 06:32 AM

Messages In This Thread
What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by jens - 11-25-2008, 01:01 PM
RE: What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by Erzeal - 08-02-2010, 06:46 PM
RE: What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by Erzeal - 08-02-2010, 10:34 PM
RE: What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by zak - 08-11-2010, 06:35 PM
RE: What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by nofsky - 08-12-2010, 02:04 PM
RE: What is Amnesia: The Dark Descent - by Sexbad - 08-13-2010, 11:14 PM

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