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Serious error - Content folder's suddenly crashing HPL2
jssjr90 Offline

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RE: Serious error - Content folder's suddenly crashing HPL2

So after testing and seeing what the error was, apparently one of the custom content "Rapture Models" is somewhat corrupt or something. This content is part of the "Custom Stuff 2" folder I made.

Basically after looking at the log file, the main source of error is this.

WARNING: Texture 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/amnesia the dark descent/entities/Rapture Models/Dead Trees/RockSmooth0102_Darkened.dds' does not have a pow2 size!

So a cupple of situations can raise out of this.

1. Delete the "Rapture Models" folder. Can access the rest of the stuff with in the "Custom Stuff 2" folder. BUT,

2. If I have map files that uses this content, which I do vary much, the level editor will crash and say the same error in the log again.

3. If I remove the file of the error "RockSmooth0102_Darkened.dds", it will still come up with the error even though the file is taken out of the folder of Rapture Models.

So what is this pow2 size error? This never happen before and I still had the same models sitting there before and nothing like this happened. At least im getting closer to solving the problem.
05-30-2013, 10:59 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Serious error - Content folder's suddenly crashing HPL2 - by jssjr90 - 05-30-2013, 10:59 AM

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