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Texture, Model & Animation Help Animating a monster
johnbox Offline

Posts: 138
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Joined: Aug 2012
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RE: Animating a monster


not that I want to demotivate you, but finding help in this topic will be hard. You may get some explanation on how to do it, but rigging and animating is a quiet hard topic, and only a few members in this forums are capable of doing it, like traggey, hirnwirbel? etc.. but they're mostly busy with their own stuff..
I'd have helped you, but since my Blenderskills went down over the one year-break, i'm not sure wether i'm capable of doing it.

Still, I could tell you the main points.
So, at first you have to create a rig. That means create a skeleton in your 3D-Program/other software, then assign the meshparts to the bone that should move this part, and finally weightpaint it. So not everything get's moved 100% directly, more with some damping, so it gets realisitc. There are many good tutorials out there, so you may just google it again.

Have a nice day sir, and gl!

Working on a full conv.-mod, first pictures coming soon...

Working with Blender and other Stuff since 2009.
Using HPL-Engine since 2012 (learning..)
07-05-2013, 10:23 AM

Messages In This Thread
Animating a monster - by Naklon - 07-05-2013, 06:26 AM
RE: Animating a monster - by johnbox - 07-05-2013, 10:23 AM

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