Let's Player(s)' Name(s): Trevor and Joe
About Yourself: Having becoming fans of LPers for Amnesia, we decided to try and become LPers ourselves. We have constantly tried to improve ourselves to make ourselves stand out from the rest, as hard as it is. We've recorded hours at a time, so have a lot of editing to do, causing us to fall behind in making videos. But we're trying, I think is the important part.
Commentary Type: We try our best to do a mix of both. Most of it comes out as comedy on Joe's end, and full immersion on my end.
Videos: These are just two of our most recent.
Trevor Plays Dark Room [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_ooGTKmHkE&feature=plcp[/url]
Amnesia CS Adventures: Abduction Episode 4
Page: Youtube Channel
Additional Info: We are about to go through a major change. Joe has sworn into the Navy so won't be able to make videos with me anymore after August. So after August, I do intend to continue making videos. Whether it be by myself, or with another friend who can fill in Joe's shoes. Hopefully we can work it out.