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What hides between Shadow and Light?
spukrian Offline
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RE: What hides between Shadow and Light?

Well, I´ve played around in Excel for several days but I haven´t figured anything out.

I keep thinking about the text:
Quote:These hole digging critters have a population that increase rapidly. There must be some way to track this development and make the infestation come to an end.

Some questions:

1. What are the "hole digging creatures"? I read through the thread and here are what has been suggested:

*Rock Worms
*Wilbur Frisk
*A metaphor for bugs in the program
*Ants (<- not sure if this has been suggested before but I just thought of it anyway)

2. How do we "track this development"? Does this refer to the encryption in the puzzle? Is there a track to follow?

3. How do we "make the infestation come to an end"? My answer: Presumably by solving the puzzle.
08-19-2009, 03:40 PM

Messages In This Thread
What hides between Shadow and Light? - by Nemoder - 09-24-2008, 11:36 AM

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