Game programmer and Rift dev kit owner here. The Oculus SDK is pretty darn close to plug-and-play. The SDK gives you the head tracking input from the sensor fusion in the form of a transform matrix that you just apply to your camera's view matrix prior to rendering and they have documentation on the algorithm used to create the distortion effect needed to work with the lens distortion in the headset. It really is pretty straightforward - maybe 1-2 days to get it working properly with both tracking and rendering. The vast majority of the work in integrating Rift support for a game is typically related to HUD and controls, which is relatively simple in this case. This talk about the engine needing to be rewritten or even significantly reworked is greatly exaggerated. Posting because I would personally love to see this happen, although I would not blame them for holding off until the consumer version of the OR is closer to release - especially if adoption rates aren't looking great.