(08-23-2013, 07:13 AM)Chronocat Wrote: Whining does not change anything.
Ahhhh, one line fewer could have made your post enjoyable to read instead of needlessly inflammatory.
I think the main qualm I have with this deal is that the decision to scrap the PC version has less to do with practicality and more to do with Sony waving their chequebook in TCR's face saying "you can have the extra cash and support to create the game you want, but in exchange we decide who gets to play it". It's the arbitrariness of it. Disappointment caused by circumstance leaves a less shitty taste in one's mouth than disappointment caused by a marketing circle-jerk.
(08-23-2013, 07:29 AM)Deep One Wrote: Remember how Dark Souls was originally a console game, but over 90 000 people signed a petition for PC port? And PC version was made. Maybe something similar would work with Rapture?
I'd certainly sign it if one were created!