(08-25-2013, 04:21 PM)Raipe Wrote: I never could have imagined that Frictional would have ruined the whole game by letting Chinese Room to be part of it, but also letting PleaseDiePew faggotrism to market it...
Have jens and thomas fell that deep to beg money from a swedish autist who screams like a elementary school student to get money via his help? Ok, sorry for those tasteless idiots who i may have insulted, but this whole amnesia thing has already died inside me after this scandal. Even fatal frames look scarier than that new scheisse you market with that attentionw***e.
Because i am german, i can clearly read the word " Scheisse " in your answer... Well Its right, i dont like this screaming idiot too. He overreacts and already screams when a fly is on his screen...
As I said we Europeans tend to be too serious to like it (due to us being sober and pretty high educated)
Not that I care for Pewdie being Swedish but a gf of a friend of mine from Sweden recently bashed our Skype chat calling us racists(about 15 people with plenty of multi culti) just because we're from Western Europe blaming us for all that she has been put trough. (She was from Bosnia)
I guess they are the laughing stock of Europe right after the French, Italy, Netherlands(that is mine).
I really wish deep down in my heart my country would be more like Germany where people are more serious. (My dad has lived there for about 10 years during military service)
Big thumbs up for the German people.