It's bad enough that the Amnesia fanbase is irritating as all hell, thanks to him.
I have NOTHING against the man. He's annoying and that's his schtick. But dear lord having to deal with his fans is irritating. THEY are the ones that are dragging the Amnesia name through the mud and The Old Ones know what else.
All fanbases have annoying fans. It's an universal truth. But deaaar Nyarlathotep it's bad in Amnesia. This deep, interesting series having fans that are all ''LOL XD I REMEMBER THIS FROM PDP'S VIDEOS XD!''
I honestly wonder how many of them finished the game and if they know about the Penumbra series?
You mean as opposed to the shining example of good fans in this thread? Come off it, the sneering elitism here is no less reprehensible. At the very least PDPs fans are carrying a positive attitude, which is more than can be said for others.
Not paying attention to what everyone here posted, just giving my two cents on what I think about a part of Amnesia's fanbase.
I'm sure there's massive elitism going on in this thread, there will always be elitists. I'm just saying that the OP's idea of having a reference to PDP is a big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE and that I don't like Amnesia's fanbase that comes from PDP.
Don't have anything against the guy. Don't watch his videos. He hasn't affected my enjoyment of Amnesia. His fans are annoying and that's all I said.