I have also a couple of things but this one i think is very handy :
a SEARCHBAR inide the editor for searching items\entities\statics etc.
Sometimes i am like... what was the name again..where was it?.. entities\static...
IN the seach bar just add a letter and it could help you out?
I think it would be amazing if it is possible to have something like this :
SetStaticObjectActive(String &asName, bool abActive);
Then we could make almost everything active\inactive.
Very usefull for sanity events { moving walls \ floors\ etc.. }
Also what FlawlessHair said before : the SANITYEVENTS are so hard to make now! "
altho I have created a tread that works but it could be very difficult to get it to work for some other "Unexperienced" people.., Jens, You might take a look at my thread and see what people have to do nowdays to get a
CUSTOM SANITYEVENT to work when and NOT RANDOM!!!. :
Also a Full Conversion is needed cause the change of the main game settings \ SanityEvents!
I have fixed the problem with a HUGH script and INSANE BIG InsanityEvent.cfg...
ActivateInsanityEffect(string& asEffect, bool abActive);
ActivateInsanityEffect(string& asEffect\Name, FadeIn, FadeOut,bool PlaySoundWhenActive, bool abActive);