I'm Russian, so, I'd like to help you with translating :3 Especially, I'm a Custom stories creator (for ~1.5 years), so, I know how to use HPL Lang tool and others. A:TDD was translated very pretty. Really. I have no idea why some game makers do not want to take people who speak the language they want to translate the game. For example, in the CallOfDuty, one of the most popular games, they couldn't translate their airport's company name to russian. It called "Fly" (by air, "Полёт"), but they've translated it like a "Муха", "Fly" (a bug). It made a lot of laugh from russian auditory.
"Blyad" can be translated in two variants:
1) Whore (job)
2) Shit, damn or like any other words which can descript a "bad" situation.
So, Let'sPlayers uses it in second way. But anyway, its a foul language.