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Blog:"On Versioning (or how the simplest thing can save you from the hardest pain)"
WindexGlow Offline
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RE: Blog:"On Versioning (or how the simplest thing can save you from the hardest pain)"

Most of my systems rarely get past 300-500 lines so it isn't terribly difficult.

You can debug it; but no default debugging is available. The game is extremely stable but if you do something it doesn't like (reference coords outside map) than it crashes.
I have a ton of scripts which look for anomalies in single player though, which helps things out.
if z.NumberOfZombies == -1 then
call BJDebugMsg("z.NumberOfZombies is wrong. Checking if spawned..")
if z.IsSpawned == 0 then
cal BJDebugMsg("z.IsSpawned has not spawned.")

It does give a syntax (especially a user made one called NewgenJass which offers tons of functionality) which catches most errors.

I do eventually want to learn C or C++ and make my own game, but I'll stick with sc2 when it comes. It's language (Galaxy) is based on C so it'll help me get started on it.

Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
12-25-2009, 08:33 PM

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