First off, kudos to people here actually giving an effort to offer constructive, level-headed criticism about the game
Something I will agree with is that I did think the writing was too poetic...if that was what you were getting at. I feel like many of the notes, messages, or mementos could've served the same message, and might even have been better off being spoken in layman's terms instead of artistic novel talk.
As for the main nature of the thread which is likely pointing out the identity crisis of AMFP in whether it wants to be a visual novel, or a puzzle-driven adventure...I'd say that it indeed is in-arguably a mixture of both types of games. It very well could've been told differently leaning more towards the ADD vibe which would most definitely appeal to more old-time Amnesia fans.
FG, and TCR however decided not to go this route, and go with experimentation to see how well mixing stuff like this together would turn out. As with all experiments it will definitely turn out different for good, or for worse. Some people will seemingly like their stories being told in this different way while others may not.
I cannot argue against any of the OP's claims since in the general view of it they are all valid complaints in my opinion. I personally enjoyed the game very much, and felt compelled enough to go on because the story intrigued me, and the occasional obstacle/puzzle segment was just enough to keep things varied for me.