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Spoiler Plot Discussion Thread *Spoiler Alert*
Ghieri Offline
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RE: Plot Discussion Thread *Spoiler Alert*

I did see a pig in that scene, but it was kind of just standing there, arms at his sides. I didn't see the twins in the booth with him.

Also, I have a wildly different theory than what most people apparently saw:

-So, I thought it was pretty obvious that the professor was fed to the machine and that's the voice we hear in the machine. I didn't pick up on anything where mandus put physical pieces of himself into the machine. Though if we go with the symbolism theory I have and say that everything supernatural about the machine is a hallucination, then we can totally say that those pieces in the machine were parts of mandus.

-I'm pretty sure most of the ending isn't real. Where mandus kind of just teleports to different parts of the machine. There was one part where mandus kind of went nuts when he said "These aren't my thoughts!" But I thought that was somehow either the fever or the machine causing him to go crazy. Also that pyramid. I don't think you can just keep workers quiet about big-ass freaky pyramids being constructed miles underground. If the machine were simply a combination of meat-processing equipment combined with "Compound x" to create pig monsters, you could keep most of the workers out of the loop, and have a select few of the inner circle actually make the pig-men. This makes more sense that the ending is metaphorical, rather than physical.

Perhaps Mandus sabotaged the machine, then simply committed suicide. This is frankly more intellectually satisfying for me than "Mandus basically built a god-machine to do basic meat-processing and assembly of pig men using science already established in brennenburg." It doesn't really make sense.

A thought just occured to me that Mandus might actually have split personalities, but not in the supernatural sense. He simply heard a voice that told him to do something in a state of amnesia, he did it and got back his memories, and then sabotaged the machine. In the end, the symbolism is that he joined his two children in death, by committing suicide and ending the voice in his head. IE The "machine".

I realize it's not perfect but I honestly don't see how mandus could be a pig. Why would the pig-men attack one of their own? Or why can't I fight back? Why did that one girl try to get my help before being killed and the door slammed shut?

[Image: tumblr_n6m5lsQThQ1qc99nxo1_250.gif]
09-15-2013, 06:43 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Plot Discussion Thread *Spoiler Alert* - by Ghieri - 09-15-2013, 06:43 PM
The birth of a new century - by Integria - 09-27-2013, 01:32 AM

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