RE: Your Favorite Games of All Time - (AKA the Throughly Fanboying Thread)
1) Deus Ex
Spoiler below!
Deus Ex gives you almost complete operational freedom as a cyberaugmented agent in a very Alex Jones relevant and gritty maturely-presented near future scenario, strung together as the coolest fucking story New York has ever had the pleasure of being taken place in.
2) Pathologic
Spoiler below!
Spanning three complete singleplayer campaigns all intertwined in one gripping and unforgettable story, Pathologic does horror quite unlike any game I've played. Sexbad's review can explain it better than I, but the gist is that it's up to you to prevent catastrophe, rather than meander around in its wake and the effort demanded of the player makes for a very intense and unnerving experience.
3) Unreal Gold
Spoiler below!
While the story is definitely weaker than the two above, Unreal has an atmosphere that stands out the moment you step off the prison starship. Environments are fantastic and diverse with the soundtrack reflecting the mood perfectly.