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Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism
VaeVictis Offline
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RE: My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism

(09-21-2013, 11:35 AM)NicoNico Wrote: Hey everyone !

Well, that's kind of a "crisis" here, isn't it ?
Honestly, I find it kind of funny how the haters (NOT talking about people who just didn't like the game. That's fine. TOTALLY talking about the others who just came on this forum to insult the developers) feel "offended" because Jessica basically said "you didn't get it (I agree on that), now, please, stop being cry babies and suck it" while they actually come on the developer's website to scream at them, saying that "the game is utter shit", that "TCR and FG lied to them", that "they feel cheated", that "they could have done a better job themselves, for free", that "TCR can't make a game", that "they just stick the Amnesia name to make cash", that "the game is written like ass" and all this disrespectful things, and expect from the developers to chill out...
I mean, really ? You come to them, insult them, and then, you get mad because the developpers don't answer with "ok guys, you're right, our game is shit. Next time, we'll try harder. Thank you very much for all your feedback on the game. It helps. A lot." Don't you think the developpers felt a little... "offended" too ?
To be honest, I find it kind of refreshing to see a professionnal talk to all these guys the same way they talk to them. A lot of gamers nowadays think they can say or do what they want because "I give you my money, dipshit" but no. I'm sorry. No.
When I saw that the gamers made Bioware change the ending of Mass Effect 3, I thought "what the hell is that ?" You can hate the ending all you want, that's fine. You can tell the developpers you didn't like it, that's fine. But writing a petition to change it ? Really ? So what's the next step ? You watch a movie, don't like someone in the cast and threaten the director to sue him if he doesn't re-shot the movie with another actor ? Think I'm a little extreme here ? Well, someone actually made a thread on this forum to convince people to sue TCR and FG, because he thought the one-year old trailer was "false advertising". And, guess what ? Some agreed !
Who do these guys think they are ?
Alright, I can already hear all the people saying "But WE play the game, so it should please US! It's OUR game !"
True, a game is meant to be played and every company tries its best to please the most people they can, but it doesn't make the game OURS. It is still the artistic vision of the developpers. It's THEIR game.
If you want a game that's completely yours, make it yourself.

So, here are my thought about that. I know a lot of people will get mad at me for saying that, but, really, I do understand how TCR feel.
Gamers, hear my advice : if you want respect, you have to give respect. That's the only way.


I agree. I think 'gamers' have a lot of ego to say some of things they said. I love this game. I hope both FG and TCR know that. To me, they want to tell an artist to turn a portrait into a caricature. Or a paint-by-number. At that point, I'd be annoyed FOR the developers.
Originality isn't rewarded often. The regurgitated messes that sell millions and billions are very rarely original, interesting, and appeal to the higher faculties of the mind.
(This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 12:40 PM by VaeVictis.)
09-21-2013, 12:04 PM

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RE: My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism - by VaeVictis - 09-21-2013, 12:04 PM

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