(09-21-2013, 05:39 PM)Scraper Wrote: -Snip Quote Pyramid-
Then it could be anything. I'm not really familiar with browser based games... My best guess is RuneScape.
Actually, no, given my first post that was right before the post that i replied to in the first place. (Which i assumed was a reply to my post, by looking at the order of posts and no quotes, nor reference to any other post.)
some key things that i will thus re-hash: the is no mining, there is smithing, but it is more along the lines on smelting, using moulds, you either melt down metal or pan for nuggets and melt them into whatever ya need, you needn't ever even make ingots/bars, you just make the metal directly into the items you wish.
also, as said in my first post, and unlike RS, there is no numbered skill levels, there are worded, like you skill in armorsmithing might be 'Novice' or 'Unskilled' although the 'Unskilled' level, the highest skill level was, to the best of my knowledge, either 'legendary' or 'master' and may be different for the combat skills and the non-combat skills.
i have been looking through the various 2d gaming sites to no avail, and every once in a while the name is on the tip of my tongue, if any more info is needed, just ask, hopefully after ya read my first ost and that covers most of the, what i consider to be, at least, important details. although there may of course be things i missed, and questions are always welcome.
Edit: My first post is second from the last on page 4 of this thread.