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Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism

(10-19-2013, 10:08 PM)Cuyir Wrote: @Damascus and Ghieri:

How dare he (and the others that enjoyed AMFP's brand of horror) to have an opinion that's different from yours. I mean really. The nerve.

If you two are going to grossly over simplify AMFP then I guess it's fair for anyone else to oversimplify TDD right?

Alrighty then: TDD was aaaaaaaaaaaall about the jumpscares. Like, really. SO jumpscare-y. Only children are afraid of jumpscares. I mean come on, when I grabbed an item that went into my inventory it was SOOOO obvious that a monster was going to spawn near me. So bad. So so bad.


Regardless of what you think of the interviewer and the interview, don't grossly simplify the game and then look down on the opinion of people who think differently than you. We get absolutely nowhere if everyone taking the piss out of someone else's opinion. If you saw the game differently, good for you and it's your right to view it however you want. I'll respect respectable opinions. Just don't try to belittle someone else's opinions that aren't shared by yourselves.

It's hard to respect his 'opinion', when the only 'opinion' I see is stated as a fact.

And how exactly did I oversimplify amfp? All I recall saying is that the game doesn't focus on horror, and it isn't as scary as the dark descent. I never said anything close to what you said about tdd, so that makes your point completely invalid.

When I say that amfp doesn't focus on horror, it's obvious after playing the game once. This is further proven because the developers of the game itself say that their focus is on telling a story, and they didn't want to make it as scary as the first one. I'm sure people find it scary and that's fine, I'm not saying that it isn't scary at all. I respect opinions people have of this game. I was just disgusted by the fact that whoever wrote this seems to not know shit about what he's talking about, while simultaneously being unrelenting in his effort to kiss as much chinese room ass as he possibly can.

Your over the top sarcastic reponse made you seem like a really butthurt amfp fanboy, considering I didn't even do the things you accuse me of..

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
10-20-2013, 12:45 AM

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RE: Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism - by Damascus Rose - 10-20-2013, 12:45 AM

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