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Idea: Unofficial Frictional Games Podcast
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: Idea: Unofficial Frictional Games Podcast

BOO! I was hiding in this thread all along!

I agree with Wooderson, the technical aspects need to be figured out before we even start.

I'm thinking Skype conference calls or Google Hangouts between hosts/guests would be the easiest way of doing it. As far as I know, Skype charges for a premium in order to for their conference calling features to become available, whereas Google Hangouts doesn't. The less we need to spend the better haha. Any other ideas about where everyone can congregate?

For sections of the podcast which don't involve conversations - such as the intro, outro, news, updates, etc., it might be easier (and more "forgiving" for the host) to record those independently/off air, so they can be scripted or at least rehearsed. Like "this is the interview we conducted with Kreekakon on the 15th about his latest custom story" and then play the recording of the interview. What do you guys think about that? Abraxas, would you prefer it this way or would you rather it had a more conversational, "live" feel? Do you have any specific ideas which would make you more comfortable, or would suit your style more?
11-05-2013, 03:28 AM

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RE: Idea: Unofficial Frictional Games Podcast - by Paddy™ - 11-05-2013, 03:28 AM

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