Pinchbeck thinks game mechanics break immersion, kinda sad that he failed to understand a basic mechanic from the first Amnesia.
Quote:"When we first started making the game we were kind of looking at this and we originally had this other idea, a very early thing where it was all sort of based around infection and disease and rot and you were trying to find medicines to stay sane. But when we kept doing this we talked a lot about it with Thomas [Grip] and Jens [Nilsson] at Frictional, and we felt like we were pushing the player out of the world and into a different space where they were just worrying about their supplies. A key thing about this game is about that sense of immersion. If we're doing anything that's essentially damaging that, then we ought to not be putting it in there."
The idea of defending this game's prose disturbs me so much that I can't even touch it. Nothing Pinchbeck writes has come off as natural to me.
(11-07-2013, 02:33 AM)JohnDoe Wrote: Actually, that is another annoyance for me. Flashback audio doesn't bother me, but those audio logs scattered about were so out of place. People complained about the audio logs in Bioshock Infinite, and these were just as bad. No logic to the placement, no logic to the recordings themselves!
Not to mention that they were clearly meant to emulate Bioshock's audiologs, you could move far away from the box and you would still hear them.