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Reasons why 21st century won't be that bad?
Alardem Offline
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RE: Reasons why 21st century won't be that bad?

The standoff between the USA and the USSR was more volatile than the current political climate.

The sky isn't falling any time soon, but I hesitate to say things will be 'better'. As far as I'm concerned, the story of humanity is one of constant struggle and we'll always have some horrific social trauma or bogeyman to haunt us. Political corruption, disasters both natural and human-made, people being forced to ignore the downtrodden and exploit them in order to survive, and extreme atrocities borne of human cruelty that dwarf anything we know of - all of these will continue to happen, likely for thousands of years. Trying to claim that one period's horrors are more terrible than another's is a nauseating thought process.

That being said, I'm sure the 21st century will be a better time because I live in it. :p
12-08-2013, 04:49 AM

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RE: Reasons why 21st century won't be that bad? - by Alardem - 12-08-2013, 04:49 AM

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