(12-22-2013, 08:53 PM)Mechavomit Wrote: I'm just curious how do you imagine representing player characters
It's hard to say. The player (Daniel) is actually "modeled" through the
game.cfg. Here are the tags at which it lies within:
Mass = "70"
Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"
GravityForce = "0 -20 0"
CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"
AccurateClimbing = "true"
MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
MaxPushMass = "10"
PushForce = "55"
CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
CharacterPushForce = "100"
MaxStepSize = "0.4"
MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"
But, if somehow I found out how to attach a model to the physical player. It would probably be a model you have already seen in Amnesia. (Ex: Grunt, Brute, Alexander, Agrippa...) Just to save the time it would take to make a actual player model. But (probably not) come a day if Amnesia multiplayer become a thing I would most likely become a actual "human" model. No longer a grunt put there a a placeholder.
(12-22-2013, 09:03 PM)Traggey Wrote: Funny thing here actually, I know a big part of the Avalanche development team whom made the Just Cause games though my games education in stockholm.
I've been discussing these things with THEM, and trust me, comparing their engine to HPL2 is something you just can not do.
The engine used for Just Cause 2 is the same one which they later built Renegade Ops with, which features Multiplayer.
This comparison is not something that should be made.
Ok, you have a point there and I will stop comparing them. But, what about the other games converted to multiplayer by other people? Such as GTA SA that has
RenderWare as their engine? I can't see something like this being
impossible. Just... borderline impossible.