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Responsibilities of the Consumer in the Entertainment Industry?
Bridge Offline
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RE: Responsibilities of the Consumer in the Entertainment Industry?

(04-06-2014, 03:46 PM)BAndrew Wrote: Then the problem isn't really the fact that companies are seeking profit. It is that most people can't criticize whether they really like the product (whether it is a game or music or whatever) or if they just follow the fashion. That's a problem however not in the game or entertainment industry only. Most people are making bad decisions all the time and they lack analytical thinking and I don't see this being resolved any time soon. If this a problem didn't exist then this would be a better and more fair world.

Right! But it is poisonous when the free democracy of what constitutes quality is stifled by producers and other such entities. An artist not only needs an audience because it is for most artists the goal in creating art (not that fame for fame's sake is necessarily important - but if there is nobody to see your work then what is the point?) - but they need it also because unfortunately staying alive in modern society is not free, and producers can often guarantee an audience. As I said, things are getting better especially with crowdfunding, but it still is not there yet by a long shot. I think it's fair to say it has had an amazing effect on video games though, which is great.
04-06-2014, 03:54 PM

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RE: Responsibilities of the Consumer in the Entertainment Industry? - by Bridge - 04-06-2014, 03:54 PM

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