(04-06-2014, 05:13 PM)Kreekakon Wrote: This is a key thing that I was getting at in my opening post: More popular things are being consumed by these people who lack so-called "analytical thinking".
Is it alright just to let them enjoy what they enjoy, or is it maybe better to try (Keyword) to educate them, and break down their previous world of knowledge?
Keep in mind that some people may not want to know better, and would rather live in blissful ignorance. Is this wrong?
It depends on what you mean by "educate them". I think although it probably won't have any result we should try to help them decide more rationally what they want. Just because many people play COD (just an example) doesn't make it good (or bad). Consumers must decide whether the game (music or anything) is actually "good" because they like it or if they just play/buy it because it is mainsteam and/or in fashion. But of course you can't force them. If you can't convince them then let them enjoy what they enjoy. There's not much you can do. You have to respect their choice. However that's the problem: That it is not their choice. They follow what others do.