Hey guys!
I'm having the honor of being the bigger brother of 2 kids with down syndrome.
My real brother is 16 years old. He's exactly 18 months younger than me.
He spends a lot of time in his room watching movies or playing on his playstation.
My other brother is 16 too I think, but he's a little younger and is not my real brother. Still I've gotten to know him as the years have passed.
He spends most of his time in his room too, watching movies or listening to loud music.
I've figured not many know about the down syndrome, and I often see potato-jokes, which are pretty funny in my opinion
But if you want to ask any questions about it, I'd really like to answer your questions.
Also, what are your opinions on the syndrome? What do you actually know about it?
Trying is the first step to success.