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Finishing up Pyramid Head Model
vengey Offline

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Finishing up Pyramid Head Model

Well I am just about finished with the Pyramid Head Model. All the animations and sounds work as expected EXCEPT FOR ONE. There is something wrong with the attack animation. Does it work? Yes. Does it work when it should No. Currently I have hit a dead end as the enemy does not attack the player. I have had it happen on very rare occurrences, however not when it ever should. I am feeling like it might have something to do with the NormalDamageSize and NormalDamageOffset and NormalAttackDistance, but the hell if I know what those mean. Well let me rephrase that, I know what they mean but it isn't very clear on what I am inputting for values it just has 3 inputs next to the variable and that's it. I am assuming it is the XYZ values, but my question is what are these values relative to? Are they relative to the center of the model or the bounding box surrounding the model when placed into the level editor. I really have no idea. Once I figure out why the model won't attack I will be all set. Just for clarification let me give you my current values and show what I mean by bounding box, and yes I know the model has a rather large box around it but I do not want to modify anything more outside model editor after this point.

[Image: fRKwqjO.png]

[Image: OQRB4Qn.png]

05-29-2014, 03:52 AM

Messages In This Thread
Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by vengey - 05-29-2014, 03:52 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by Juras - 05-29-2014, 08:38 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by Juras - 05-29-2014, 08:52 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by vengey - 05-29-2014, 09:50 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by Juras - 05-29-2014, 10:04 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by vengey - 05-30-2014, 02:13 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by vengey - 05-30-2014, 04:21 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by Juras - 05-30-2014, 09:11 AM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by vengey - 05-30-2014, 04:02 PM
RE: Finishing up Pyramid Head Model - by Juras - 05-30-2014, 05:02 PM

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