The reason the matches run out fast and have small radius is firstly because it's realistic and and secondly because we wanted to add something different to the mod instead of the usual lantern as I'm sure alot of people are tired of it and want something new
There will be no tinderboxes and this will make the player think twice before using the matches and only when they really need it which will add new feeling to the gameplay as most of the CSs and FCs today don't really make you care about saving oil/tinderboxes. Therefore we will make the lighting in maps where you will need the matches dark (maybe even remove the night vision if possible) and even the small light radius and a short life span of 1 match (we will make the point light of the match flicker/glow and the life span of the match will be random from 9 to about 13 seconds) will make a big difference with some of the objectives.