(07-23-2014, 12:12 AM)Streetboat Wrote: that's not what i was criticizing though. I get that it's realistic that matches run out quickly, but the light radius is so very small that it's actually easier to just never use them and navigate entirely using the night vision. My suggestion would be to change the night vision so it either takes a long time to take full effect, or make the radius of the night vision (before it fades out to complete darkness) be very small, or make it darker overall.
also, matches light up more than you might think. in a completely dark room, a match could light up the entire place (in, say, a modern bedroom with drywall), albeit very dimly. My suggestion is to have the initial pointlight be the same radius the match has now, and add another pointlight in the model editor with very low levels and tinted brown, but a large radius. This would simulate the light fading as it goes further out, but still illuminating everything ever so slightly, so you aren't just walking into a wall of blackness.
I definitely see your point here. It will be considered. But the function of the match and it's light certainly has been adjusted to work the way it's needed to in this mod. It's not designed to work the same way the lantern did. The matches serves the purpose of allowing the player to see small details unnoticable without it. It's not meant to light up rooms or larger areas - it's just a way of making it easier to spot details where it actually is too dark. It won't help you light areas up very much, as you said, but it was never intended to.
If you either don't agree or understand, I promise you that you will see what you needed the matches for when you actually play the mod!
Also, please keep this thread on topic. Thanks!