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Level Editor Help reinstalled game with AMFP assets finally- level editor crashes on launch
CarnivorousJelly Offline
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RE: reinstalled game with AMFP assets finally- level editor crashes on launch

AreaTypes.cfg... maybe the text in the file is wrong somewhere?

Spoiler below!

        <Type Name="Script">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="1 0 0 1" />
                <Var Name="PlayerLookAtCallback" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""          Description="Callback called when player looks at entity syntax: MyFunc(string &in entity, int alState) state: 1=looking, -1=not looking" />
                <Var Name="PlayerLookAtCallbackAutoRemove" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"     Description="if look at callback should be removed when player looks."/>
                <Var Name="PlayerInteractCallback" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""         Description="Callback called when player interacts with entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in entity)" />
                <Var Name="PlayerInteractCallbackAutoRemove" Type="Bool" DefaultValue="false"     Description="Should interact callback be removed when entity is interacted with and callback called." />
                <Var Name="ItemInteraction" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="false"             Description="Set true if an item is used on this area."/>
                <Var Name="MaxFocusDistance" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="-1"             Description="The max focus distance. If -1 then default (from game.cfg) is used."/>
        <Type Name="PosNode">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 1 0.5 1" />
                <Var Name="Sphere" Value="true" />
                <Var Name="DefaultSize" Value="0.5 0.5 0.5" />
                <Var Name="AllowRotate" Value="false" />
                <Var Name="AllowScale" Value="false" />
        <Type Name="Flashback">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0 1 0 1" />
                <Var Name="FlashbackFile" Type="File"  Extensions="flash" DefaultValue=""    Description="The flashback file played when player enters area. Flashbacks should be Flashbacks folder."/>
                <Var Name="Callback" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""                 Description="Callback that runs when flasback is over. Syntax: MyFunc()"/>
        <Type Name="Sign">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 0.5 1 1" />
                <Var Name="TextCat"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""                 Description="Text lang category."/>
                <Var Name="TextEntry"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""                 Description="Text lang  entry."/>
        <Type Name="SlimeDamage">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 1 0 1" />
                <Var Name="mlSlimeType"  Type="Int" DefaultValue="0"                 Description="Determines attack properies. See game.cfg for the different proper values.."/>
                <Var Name="MinCheckAttackTime"  Type="Float" DefaultValue="2"             Description="The min time between check to attack."/>
                <Var Name="MaxCheckAttackTime"  Type="Float" DefaultValue="5"             Description="The max time between check to attack."/>
                <Var Name="DisableAfterAttack"  Type="Bool" DefaultValue="false"         Description="If area should be disabled after an attack on player."/>
                <Var Name="Callback"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""                 Description="Called when attacking player. Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asArea)"/>
        <Type Name="Examine">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="1 0 1 1" />
                <Var Name="DescCat"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""                 Description="Normal description lang category. Leave empty for no description"/>
                <Var Name="DescEntry"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""                 Description="Normal description entry."/>
                <Var Name="DescInsaneCat"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""             Description="Insane description lang category. If empty normal is used."/>
                <Var Name="DescInsaneEntry"  Type="String" DefaultValue=""             Description="Insane description lang ntry."/>
                <Var Name="Sound"  Type="File"  ResType="Sound" DefaultValue=""        Description="Normal sound played."/>
                <Var Name="InsaneSound"  Type="File"  ResType="Sound" DefaultValue=""     Description="Insane sound played. If empty normal sound is played."/>
        <Type Name="Insanity">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="1 0.5 0.3 1" />
                <Var Name="AutoDisable"  Type="Bool" DefaultValue="false"                 Description="If the area is disabled once effect is triggered."/>
        <Type Name="Ladder">
                <Var Name="ShowOrientation" Value="true" />
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 1 0 1" />
                <Var Name="Material" Type="Enum"  DefaultValue="0"                 Description="The type of sounds the player will make climbing the lader">
                    <EnumValue Name="metal" />
                    <EnumValue Name="wood" />
                    <EnumValue Name="rope" />
        <Type Name="Liquid">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0 0 1 1" />
                <Var Name="Density" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="100"                 Description="Density of the water. The higher the heavier things float." />
                <Var Name="LinearViscosity" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.1"             Description="The higher, the more slowed down things will be in linear transformations (changing postion)" />
                <Var Name="AngularViscosity" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.1"             Description="The higher, the more slowed down things will be in angular transformations (changing rotation)"/>

                <Var Name="HasWaves" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"                 Description="If object will go up and down in a wavelike manner."/>
                <Var Name="WaveAmp" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.04"                 Description="Height of waves." />
                <Var Name="WaveFreq" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="3"                 Description="How fast the waves will go up and down." />
                <Var Name="PlayerSpeedMul" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.8"             Description="Player speed is multplied by this when in water." />
                <Var Name="MaxWaveDistance" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="25"             Description="Max distance from player that objects get waves. This is an optimziation thingie." />
                <Var Name="PhysicsMaterial" Type="Enum"  DefaultValue="0"             Description="Material of water." >
                    <EnumValue Name="Water" />
        <Type Name="Sticky">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0 1 1 1" />
                <Var Name="MoveBody" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"             Description="If body is moved into postion when placed" />
                <Var Name="RotateBody" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"         Description="If body is rotated according to area." />
                <Var Name="CheckCenterInArea" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"         Description="If body center must be in area for it to be attached." />
                <Var Name="CanDetach" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="true"            Description="If the body can be detached." />
                <Var Name="PoseTime" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="1"             Description="The time it takes to get moved and rotated into postion." />
                <Var Name="AttachableBodyName" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""         Description="If not empty then this determines if a body can be attached or not. If the string exsits in a body name then it is attached. " />
                <Var Name="AttachFunction" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""         Description="Called at attach. Call AllowStickyAreaAttachment with if attachment should work (if AttachableBodyName succeeded then no need to call) ! Syntax: void Func(string &in asStickyArea, string &in asBodyName)" />
                <Var Name="DetachFunction" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""         Description="Called at detach Syntax: void Func(string &in asStickyArea, string &in asBodyName)"/>
                <Var Name="AttachSound" Type="File"  ResType="Sound"  DefaultValue=""             Description="Sound played when attaching body." />
                <Var Name="DetachSound" Type="File"  ResType="Sound"  DefaultValue=""             Description="Sound played when detaching body." />
                <Var Name="AttachPS" Type="File"  ResType="ParticleSystem"  DefaultValue=""             Description="Particles created when attaching body." />
                <Var Name="DetachPS" Type="File"  ResType="ParticleSystem"  DefaultValue=""             Description="Particles created when detaching body." />
        <Type Name="Rope">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="1 1 0 1" />
                <Var Name="Sphere" Value="true" />
                <Var Name="DefaultSize" Value="0.5 0.5 0.5" />
                <Var Name="AllowRotate" Value="false" />
                <Var Name="AllowScale" Value="false" />
                <Var Name="EndPosNode" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""     Description="A PosNode area that sets the end of the rope" />
                <Var Name="StartBody" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""     Description="The body at the start of the rope. Game first looks for Body with name, and then for entity. Can be empty" />
                <Var Name="EndBody" Type="String"  DefaultValue=""     Description="The body at the end of the rope. Game first looks for Body with name, and then for entity." />
                <Var Name="MinTotalLength" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.5"     Description="The minimum length of the rope." />
                <Var Name="MaxTotalLength" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="10"     Description="The maximum length for the rope" />
                <Var Name="AutoMove" Type="Bool"  DefaultValue="false"         Description="If the rope automoves." />
                <Var Name="AutoMoveAcc" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="5"         Description="Acceleration of automovement." />
                <Var Name="AutoMoveMaxSpeed" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="3"     Description="The maximum speed for automovement." />
                <Var Name="RopeFile" Type="File"  Extensions="rope" DefaultValue=""    Description="If set, it overrides all of the settings below."/>
                <Var Name="SegmentLength" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.3"     Description="Length of each segment." />
                <Var Name="Damping" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.1"         Description="The amount of air resitance. The higher the faster it slows down" />
                <Var Name="Strength" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="200"         Description="How much the rope pulls on the connected bodies" />
                <Var Name="Stiffness" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="3"         Description="How much slacking is allowed in the rope. The higher the less slacking." />
                <Var Name="Material" Type="File"  ResType="Material" DefaultValue="textures/ropes/default.mat"    Description="The material used" />
                <Var Name="Radius" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.025"         Description="Radius of each segment" />
                <Var Name="LengthTileAmount" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="1"     Description="How many times each material is tiled in a segment" />
                <Var Name="LengthTileSize" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.5"     Description="Only used is SegmentLength=0. The length (in m) where material repeats." />
                <Var Name="Sound" Type="File"  ResType="Sound" DefaultValue=""     Description="Sound played when moving" />
                <Var Name="SoundStartSpeed" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.49"     Description="Speed when sound starts playing." />
                <Var Name="SoundStopSpeed" Type="Float"  DefaultValue="0.45"     Description="Speed when sound stops playing." />
        <Type Name="PathNode">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 0.5 1 1" />
                <Var Name="Sphere" Value="true" />
                <Var Name="DefaultSize" Value="0.5 0.5 0.5" />
                <Var Name="Icon" Value="Flag" />
                <Var Name="AllowRotate" Value="false" />
                <Var Name="AllowScale" Value="false" />
        <Type Name="PlayerStart">
                <Var Name="Color" Value="0.5 1 0.5 1" />
                <Var Name="ShowOrientation" Value="true" />

You could try replacing the text in your AreaTypes.cfg file with the stuff above (which works for me). That way you can undo it if it doesn't work (just don't close the file to test it out).

[Image: quote_by_rueppells_fox-d9ciupp.png]
08-16-2014, 11:48 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: reinstalled game with AMFP assets finally- level editor crashes on launch - by CarnivorousJelly - 08-16-2014, 11:48 PM

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