C:\Users\Daemian\Documents\Amnesia\ModLoader\ (The system cannot find the path specified)
The app tries to create the file in a dir I don't have (Win7, dir: %user%/documents/Amnesia/ModLoader)
It's just me, probably, I did change my documents folder to my documents instead of just documents a while back.
So to temporary avoid this error I created the directories myself ( C:\Users\Daemian\Documents\Amnesia )
Then the error stopped and the dir and file ModLoader/ were created by the loader.
A permanent solution for this specific error may be to store the properties file somewhere else, like %PROGRAMFILES%/ModLoader
Couldn't load card settings
Spoiler below!
It's an Amnesia error, my mods gave me that, as if Amnesia forgot where the files are, (cause the launcher didn't have text in their buttons either).
So I checked the app how was it calling the launcher and it turned out, it didn't know where it was standing, because of how the method works. I found another one -same name, diff parameters- that accepts the working directory as parameter.
String[] a = null; File f = new File(gameDirectory); runTime.exec(gameDirectory + File.separator + CurrentOS.getGameExe() + " " + filePath, a, f);
Then, every mod works perfectly.
That is all, for now, probably you -mud- couldn't test it yet cause you mentioned you don't have a retail version. Anyways, rest is working great.
In case you find this useful, you want me to upload this as a fork version? or you're gonna just edit yours?
Whatever you want.