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[SOLVED] Fainting into a new map [Need scripting help]
Aletho Offline
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RE: Fainting into a new map [Need scripting help]

(01-07-2015, 11:10 AM)Mudbill Wrote: If the script crashes, I can only assume it isn't finding the map. I do think you need to include the .map extension in the script. Also make sure the name is correct.

However as for your situation, you'll want to use some timers here. If you run the ChangeMap script immediately after the FadeOut script, it won't have time to fade out the screen, so it will just cut right away.

Also if you want the player's view to roll to the side, I think the speeds you have chosen for FadePlayerRollTo are very high. I think they might even be high enough so that the player won't notice the roll, but just the new angle of the camera. I suggest using speeds around 10-15.

As for the timers, instead of running ChangeMap right after FadeOut, try doing:

PHP Code: (Select All)

And then below your the collision block:

PHP Code: (Select All)
void TimerChangeMap(string &in asTimer)
ChangeMap("00_Awakened.map""PlayerStartArea_1""""",); //Changes the map

This will do so that the map change won't happen until 5.5 seconds after the fade out starts.

I've used the scripts you've supplied but the changemap line still creates an error. It might be because of the map location as you say but I can't seem to figure out what it wants for it to work. My map is located at custom-stories/"customstoryname"/maps/mapname.map
and in the script i write "mapname.map" and afterwards "maps/mapname.map" but none of them works :/
01-07-2015, 11:33 AM

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RE: Fainting into a new map [Need scripting help] - by Aletho - 01-07-2015, 11:33 AM

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