(02-24-2015, 07:47 PM)Mudbill Wrote: Looks like your mod was featured on the FG facebook page 
Perhaps they saw it after the PMs went out?
Yeah, they
tweeted it too!

Jens mentioned he'd already seen the trailer, so maybe that was Thomas. Now I'm
officially not allowed to give up.
It's amazing how many comments there are on FB and YT from people who don't get that it's a mod.
YouTube commenter Wrote:Really? a game plataform? a mario? what a disappointment...I expected another adventure after the country walk of Machine of Pigs (well Waiting Sona then...)
Ahh, the lulz.
(02-24-2015, 09:17 PM)Daemian Wrote: Looking good. I bet this is how they do tests at the particles accelerator(?)
Totally. At Black Mesa. Thanks for the help though, it was your idea that saved the day. +rep
Anyways, here's an update...
Progress! The "timer-less loop" is now implemented for the player model and NPCs, and it has made a big improvement. It lasts over twice as long before crashing... yup, it still crashes eventually.
But, there are still a lot of looped timers in use elsewhere. For example, whilst waiting for the player to read a message (dialogue etc), moving some objects one frame at a time, and some other random stuff.
Over the next few days my mission is to integrate every single timer loop into the "timer-less loop" instead, or as many as possible. Then we'll see how it goes.