(From Flawless' example. PS: You missed a semi-colon by the end)
void FadeOutFunc(string &in asTimer)
AddTimer("FadeInTimer", 0.1f, "FadeInFunc");
void FadeInFunc(string &in asTimer)
This right here won't work the way you want it. It starts off going towards black, but before it manages to do anything, it starts going towards being visible again. The timer that follows FadeOut is too quick for you to notice the FadeOut. Make sure your timer starts AFTER the time of the FadeOut (unless you don't want it to be fully black).
So to fix this, you either edit the time of the FadeOut to be shorter than the timer, or edit the timer to be longer than the FadeOut. For example:
void FadeOutFunc(string &in asTimer)
AddTimer("FadeInTimer", 2.1f, "FadeInFunc");
void FadeInFunc(string &in asTimer)