(08-06-2015, 06:29 PM)Rapture Wrote: Chances are your normals are flipped.
In Blender, in the "Properties Tab", scroll down to "Shading" and check "Backface Culling".
If you see the "ground part" disappear, then it will be showing on the other side. (Normally only one side of a model's UV are shown)
So while the object is selected, go to "Edit Mode", select the faces that you want to flip their normals. Click "w" and select the "Flip Normals" option.
If your also talking about why in Blender, the model still shows up in Pink...
Q1: Did you unwrap it?
A1: Unwrap it
Q2: Is the ground a separate object from the door? If you move the door around, does the ground move with it? Or do you have to select both or one at a time?
A2: You can select both objects and click "Ctrl + J" to join the objects so they are one mesh. You can now properly unwrap both of them.
As far as I understood, all normals were flipped the right way. Whole mesh is a single object, since it can't be imported to amnesia other way. And unwrapping didn't help also if it could... :S
I used this strange paint tool to mark all faces on unwrap, and the only space which wasn't marked was supposed to be this "ground part". This seemed to me strange and I decided to delete and create a new ground part and now whole mesh is covered perfectly.
I think I just clicked random option, did not notice it and created corrupted mesh. Yet I don't know what was the problem and the whole process of texturing still seems confusing to me. Anyway, thanks to you, Raptor. You helped me well, glad to see that amnesia community is still alive after all these years