Felt I had to answer this as it might all been down to him not turning a certain NVidia feature off. My answer from the reddit thread:
Quote:Make sure that Threaded Optimizations are turned off for the SOMA exe in the Nvidia control panel. Nvidia has some OpenGL related issues that can lead to stutters on some systems with that feature turned on. A fix has been added to the final release version, but not in the review one.
This should have been in the review instructions, but want to make sure so this hasn't been missed, and that this is what lead to the drops in performance. Because of the PS4 version, more time have been put on optimization than any other game we have released. So really feel like most systems should run the game really well.
Related: The worst system I have run the game on is an ultrabook with a GT 620M and it runs ~30fps at 720 on that