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Issue: I simply refuse to use the stun gun on any robot in Delta
kojack Offline

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RE: Issue: I simply refuse to use the stun gun on any robot in Delta

I immediately thought of the two dead helper bots nearby in the hopes of getting a chip. I didn't want to take a tool chip from the little guy that kept using tools to help me, that seemed like a bad idea. I didn't want to shock the crazy bot either, but that seemed the best of a bad situation.

I felt much worse later when dealing with
Spoiler below!
getting the code from Brandon.

I had something slightly similar to this thread happen in Skyrim. I had joined the assassin's guild and got a few missions in. Usually in these games there's a justification for assassinating someone if you look around enough. But then they gave me a certain mission that I didn't agree with.
Spoiler below!
killing the bride at the wedding.
There was a line I didn't want my character to cross. Now in an open world game like that there were several possible options that came to mind:
- do the assassination
- ignore the mission and just not progress as an assassin
- turn against the assassin guild

I didn't really want to do option one. Not that I couldn't, I had already done it to see how the mission progressed, I just didn't think my character would do that as a permanent solution (it's a role playing game afterall, I'm playing the role).

Option two was problematic. While the mission was active, an entire town was in a different state and other quest lines were blocked off. So not finishing the mission was affecting other parts of the game.

Option three didn't work. I returned to the guide hideout and tried to kill everyone. Every single assassin in there was locked to unkillable, no matter what I did they'd wake up again and resume attacking me. There was no way to turn on them at that point in the game.

To me that just seemed like bad design. Not being able to progress in one quest line for moral reasons is ok, but not being able to progress in other unrelated quests due to an event that should be short duration but instead runs infinitely, that's a flaw.
I continued playing the game (plenty of other stuff to do) but I'd lost a bit of interest in it due to that.

So I fully sympathize with Sirandar's discomfort at certain moral choices and his decision to not play if the game makes him uncomfortable. However threatening to never buy another Frictional game if they don't meet his demand to modify Soma to suit his personal moral code is crazy, and probably why this thread has such a negative backlash against him.
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2015, 01:32 AM by kojack.)
09-26-2015, 01:29 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Issue: I simply refuse to use the stun gun on any robot in Delta - by kojack - 09-26-2015, 01:29 AM

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