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Heart Breaking News, Frictional Games almost had to drop Amnesia
RMJ Offline

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RE: Heart Breaking News, Frictional Games almost had to drop Amnesia

Steam might take a cut, but you cant really look at it like that, for that small price FG gets access to what? 10million potential customers. And everyone knows the biggest flaw on steam, its so damn easy to buy games. few clicks and voila you bought a game Smile

I think people should buy from steam, to get it up on the top sellers, it helps promote more sales. and Steam is good for the PC. If it wasnt for steam back then in the dark ages, well PC gaming might have died. we have a long period where almost all PC devs jumped ship, to Paystation 3 and Paybox 360.

Developers really need to support up around digital distrubution. and without DRM. but instead implement advantages instead of disadvantages. And having all your games in one easy places, instead of at Fritional Games and at Telltale and 2847 other places isnt easy. But starting steam, having auto update, easy overview over your games, and preload and stored savegames and config online, and whatelse devs choose to support. Its win / win. I know for a fact that steam isnt that expensive they dont take that much money.

Many indie companies like 2dboy behind world of goo said, that Steam is very good and is the way to go. Selling from your own little site just isnt here in 2010.

Amnesia is now number 2 in top sellers! Big Grin
09-07-2010, 09:49 PM

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RE: Heart Breaking News, Frictional Games almost had to drop Amnesia - by RMJ - 09-07-2010, 09:49 PM

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