(10-09-2015, 11:41 AM)Diz Wrote: Due to incompatibility with *.FLV files, I have been unable to edit and cut content, which means there is currently no editing involved, and if I am stuck at a part, the recorder simply keeps on rolling. I realize that such uncut material can be a bit dull, and I have found a solution for the next time I am doing a similar project.
If it helps, if you change the .flv in your filename to .mp4, you can export your recording as an .mp4, which can of course, be much more easily editted, depending on what kind of editting software is available to you.
I'll be sure to take a look at your playthrough though!
Edit: That is, in OBS
Before you record not after, when the .flv files have been saved by OBS.