Puzzling my objects in model editor :(
Hello, I recently made a lamp, kinda like christmass lamp.
Long cable, and some lamps hanging on.
The pieces are, 1 long cable, 6 Box/cyldinder kinda things attached to the lamp, and 6 glasses, with 6 lamps INSIDE of the transparent glass.
So there are a lot of things, and I can't "Combine" all of them, since if I do it, I'd get another error, since You can't combine somethings, with more then 2 diffirent textures.
so if I open modelview, it shows how it was supposed to look like.
and if I open it in model editor, all those other mini parts are inside of the cable, making m "puzzle" to put these things in order, is there something to do?! I really don't have the time to take those thing, and put them all together again...
I just tried to combine it too, to double check if something happened, and it didn't gave me an error, but the lamps disappeared, which is weird?
It really took me a long time to but those Standard, glass and lamp together, and even fit them in the cable ;(