(10-11-2015, 12:29 PM)AdamD Wrote: -The ending lacks conflict. From Fi, everything goes smooth. I missed, at least, a last monster lurking around there. But no, everything went straight forward, no interruption, no conflict, nothing. The ending was, IMO, a bit dissapointing.
Are you kidding me??

Seriously, there was so much conflict and tension before, that it was SOOOO welcome for me to have some moments without any annoying proxies or other creatures. As I said in the monster poll: the encounters were a bit annoying for me. I don't *need* to be chased all the time, I don't *need* to have the neccessity to hide all the time, I don't *need* to see a "Game Over" screen all the time in order to appreciate a game's atmosphere, tension or feel. For me personally, SOMA would have been just as awesome had it been a pure first-personal exploration game.
To sum up what I mean: there was more than enough conflict before, so thank God they didn't include ANOTHER one at the end.