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That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands
Lazoriss Offline

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RE: That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands

There's also the structure gel, which consists of millions or billions of nano bots running through Simon's body, and are collectively hooked up to his cortex chip. Because of the WAU's focus on preservation, the gel itself could make it impossible or difficult to instantly "delete" Simon's file on the chip. Although we are able to overwrite whatever personality was already in the chip used for Power Suit Simon.. idk

And Simon must have been physically hooked into the seat somehow, because you are able to drain his battery. The seat essentially sucks all electrical impulses out of Simon's body, including the gel he had. The chip, however, is left intact. If Simon were given energy again, he'd probably come back to "life". I guess without power, the gel hardens, though. I'm not sure if reintroducing power to hardened gel will make it operational again. hmmm!
12-27-2015, 11:45 PM

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RE: That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands - by Lazoriss - 12-27-2015, 11:45 PM

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