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That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands
Lazoriss Offline

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RE: That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands

omg this link is a gold mine. 8U

So with a hypothetical Pathos II running on dual active servers, you could theoretically have multiple "persons" with a shared experience? For example, when Simon 3 is activated, you have a split-off. But if they were to remain connected to the database the personalities were pulled from, they would have both a singular and separate experience, but also be aware of the duplicate's consciousness. They would essentially be together and apart at the same time.

In game, this could actually be canonically possible, since the WAU seems to store all data within itself. Once a machine or human is plugged in, you share yourself with the entirety of the "hive mind". It could even explain the WAU's chaotic behavior and seemingly throwing ideas at the wall. As it scans people, it's taking in those personalities. The WAU could be, at points, firing off several conflicting commands, all at the same time. The WAU actually lacks a strong mind of its own, reacting only on input. New theory. The WAU isn't forcing anyone into machines. It's the people's scan stored inside doing it themselves, as they collectively "pilot" the WAU. The human mind can only comprehend so much of a "shared" mind, so most or all of your memory of being in the WAU is lost when you separate physically. That or several other variables. Since everything is stored as data, the machine or organism that branches off will only represent the sum of the amount loaded on to its brain/chip/ect.
12-29-2015, 11:46 PM

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RE: That far in the future and they forget the "Cut" and "Paste" commands - by Lazoriss - 12-29-2015, 11:46 PM

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