Back when I was a young teenager, like 6-7 years ago I guess, I was really crazy about all kinds of FPS games - downloaded all the demos and played anything I could find. Then I learned about Counter Strike and got hooked on that for a while. I also played a lot of Doom deathmatch with friends and made multiplayer maps for it and stuff like that, back when we always hanged around on quakenet IRC, good times. Then I got into Half Life 2 and that might've been my first experience with horror, Ravenholm got me good back then. Played a lot of multiplayer mods including Garry's Mod at the time. Then got into Modern Warfare 2 in like 2010.
I actually jumped on the Amnesia bandwagon sometime in early 2011 I think, after my friend recommended it to me, and I took it sort of as a challenge to see how scary it could possibly be.
I hadn't had much experience in horror games until that point, so naturally, I was scared shitless. I remember pausing the game every 10 seconds or something in the Archives just because of all the atmospheric noises. lol
I loved every second of it though. After I finished it, I couldn't get enough, fear was like a drug for me or something, so I played like every custom story that was available at the time on ModDB. After that I also played the Penumbra series and loved it too.
Then I got into League of Legends in late 2012, played that for a couple years, then got into music rhythm games like osu! since I thought they would be nice to play at the same time to improve my dexterity in League. Eventually I kind of abandoned League though and became a full-time osu! player at around midway through 2014 because it's just too much fun, and the community keeps me around as well. That was also the time I got into stuff like anime and reading visual novels, been mainly doing that ever since. lol
O and sorry for the long post~, though I guess it's nice to sometimes revise your past